Wednesday, March 16, 2011


I've thought a lot about blogging, and for a long time now, and for many reasons. For example to express and document myself, and my life and to hopefully contribute something. Two.... to hopefully stir up conversations regarding topics that sometimes we keep secret all the while secretly wondering how others feel about that.

Like me.....wondering if other women my age have the same body changes I have, or if they think about how they raised their kids or what other grandma's feel about our turbulent times. I wonder if I can stir the imaginations of the young, while listening to their creative ideas!

Anyway, that's all I'll write for now......except one more thing......I'm sad for the people of Japan and I'm sad for the fear that all this has brought to the world....sometimes I cry. However I will always land on my feet with a positive attitude because i know that's where solutions come from. I hope this brings seeds of change for the better like I see in my minds eye...Blessings to you all on planet earth, remember we are all ONE...xo

1 comment:

  1. I too find myself in fear. All of a sudden moments out of a movie are placed into our reality and hell yeah it's scary! I find comfort in knowing that so many Americans and even others in other countries are helping to brain storm to help Japan.
